
Are You Making More From Your Job Yet?

Discover What 9 Leading Africa’s Experts Have To Say About How To Re-position Yourself in The Right Job, Attract Your Dream Job, Become Financially Stress-Free And Maximize Your Job

From: The Desk Of Bankole Williams

To: My Friends And Career Builders

Dear Valued Friend, 

Let’s Talk About Your Career a Bit 

Don’t worry I will be fair… 

And will not sound harsh…

How is your job going? 


I want you to answer truthfully

✔ Are you feeling motivated like you used to?


✔ Are you feeling like you need more out of life?


✔ Are you feeling worried because if you’re kicked out today, you’re not sure if you will stand financially fit?


✔ Are you feeling like you’re wasting your life in your job?


✔ Have you wondered about your income over the last few days while at home during this corona period?


✔ Are you even scared that you wouldn’t be among the few people who will be retained after the lock-down?


✔ Are you considering starting another business venture or side hustle?


Don’t worry..

I am not here to tell you to fire your boss and go start a business…


I am not also writing you this letter to tell you how bad 9-5 is and how your boss is using your destiny😂


I am here to tell you a BITTER-SWEET Truth….

When you listen to it, you’ll realize it is not bad after-all…


In fact, you’ll be pretty glad I told you.


Let Me Tell You A Bit Of My Story


Over 13 years ago, I was thinking, perhaps like you now…


I was worried about my job and my life…


My passion for my banking role suddenly reduced…


Each day in the bank was a big struggle for me…


I wanted to do something else with my life…


I wanted to really become fulfilled and happy…


I went to my draw-table and mentors to identify what really I was supposed to be doing…


The next day, I got back to work..


Wanted to inform my boss of my resignation,




I was caught with the fear of the unknown.


What if I didn’t succeed in my new venture?


What if I didn’t become rich?


Finally, after getting more clarification sessions, I went into the unknown…


And since then… there has been no regrets…


I have lived a purposeful life and helped many people do the same…


Why Did I Tell You My Story?


Am I saying you should drop your job and do something else?, Not exactly.


Because I have seen many people live fulfilled lives, made real money, become financially stress free… while working in their jobs.


The difference is the clarity, habitat and strategies


Sadly, many people today don’t know about it…


This is why you hear words like “Bankole, my passion is not as lucrative”


“Bankole, how can I become financially stress-free if I work 9-5?”


Yeah I know the regular words we hear all the time is…. “Go And Start A Business”




Many a times, we hardly find those people telling us to start a business teach us the process..


You see, I have discovered that your job isn’t bad.


It could even be the REQUIRED training ground you need for your major goals, which include starting a business…


Did I tell you?


Although I left the banking industry to pursue my dream to be a Human Resource and Peak Performing Consultant, many of my clients came from the banking sector.


Now, imagine if you know the right job (training ground) for you.


Imagine from the outset you’ve been working in your core…


Just like a fish’s habitat is water, you’ll make ease, right?


“Bankole, I know people working in their purpose and passion that are still broke”


I understand you.

You’re right. They are a very good number of them…

And that is something to think about, isn’t it?

I was discussing with some other experts about this and to buy them into helping you and several of all these folks (my career buddies) become financially stress-free and live happier lives…


And they said YES!


About 9 of them agreed we host a WEBINAR JAM 10 days Boot camp on Career Positioning tagged:

“Career GPS Boot Camp”

Remember going to a place with a GPS receiver in your car or phone? 

Nowadays with the help of GPS you really can’t get lost if you have access to a phone with internet and GPS enabled… 

That is exactly how it will look like to you when you attend this boot camp; You won’t find any thing missing again… You’ll be at an advantage and will have known purposefully what you’re doing.

Guess Who These 9 Experts Are? 

You’ll be surprised to see some of your role models 

You’ll be picking the brains of these experts for several hours in 10 days.

Here Is The Schedule Of The Class....

Day 1: Introduction: 

Dealing with Limiting Beliefs – Bankole Williams

✔ Dealing with Self Doubt

✔ Addressing the fear of the Unknown

✔Overcoming the Fear of a Non-Steady Cashflow


Day 2: Finding Clarity – Jimi Tewe

✔ Discovering Your Purpose

✔ Where Purpose and Career meet

✔ Effective strategies to making the Career Leap


Day 3: Personal Financial Planning – Sola Adesakin

✔ Creating Financial Cushion

✔ Managing and providing for stakeholders

✔ How to generate consistent flow of income

✔ Managing debt, savings and investment


Day 4: Positioning for the Future of Work – Gbenga Totoyi

✔ What if I get laid off?

✔ How to become the choice candidate for retention

✔ Attracting your dream job


Day 5: From Passion To Profit – Steve Harris

✔ The Business Of Your talent

✔ Developing skills: Honing your talent

✔ Monetizing your Skill


DAY 6: Creating Digital Products – John Obidi

✔ Creating a brand identity online

✔ Understanding the digital economy

✔ Quick and easy tools for maximum results


DAY 7: Selling Made Easy – Paul Foh

✔ Setting up a remote/virtual Workplace

✔ Possible Businesses which can be done from Home

✔ Structuring your Home Business


DAY 8: Networking for Success -Lotanna Ezeogu

✔ How to break the ice

✔ Quick and easy steps to networking

✔ Attracting Mentoring/ Empowering Relationship



✔ Creating your Career Map

✔ Group Discussions/Book review

✔ Group Presentation – Career Blueprint


Day 10: CAREER GPS – Bankole Williams & Fela Durotoye

✔ Programme Review & Accountability

✔ Final Charge – Your Ideal Life – Fela Durotoye

✔ Social Distancing Hugs: CGB group

Total Price: $100 (Worth $5000 )

The Timer is ticking once it elapse you miss this amazing DISCOUNT

These classes are going to be well-focused coaching on each topic. You’ll be provided the opportunity to ask questions and network with these experts


Imagine meeting any of these experts to book a one-on-one coaching for an hour, guess how much you’ll have ready to pay…


Of course, you will be paying in 6-7 figures to pick their brain for an hour…


But here, they have decided to SPEND over an hour each to expose these secrets to you and you’re not paying any of them 6 figures…


Plus, you’re entitled to asking them questions… any question about yourself, your career, or anything :-)..…


Come to think of it…


Even if they decide to take 6 figures each from you and help in gaining clarity that will help you in life and in any other business you’re involved in….


And you become more fulfilled, purposeful, and financially successful, don’t you think it is worth it?


I bet you said yes…


Your fulfilment is the greatest wealth you’ll ever get… 

 Knowing how to be fulfilled and financially stress-free without being broke and frustrated is better than being rich without fulfilment and direction, isn’t it?

Now guess what, you’re not paying 6 figures (#100,000) to get in.…

You will get access to the all 9 Facilitators and get to pick our brains for just #45,000 today…


Remember the class will run for 10 days… 

This means you can get in for just #45,000. Isn’t that amazing?


Here is how to go about registering for the boot camp…


After making payment, send your proof of payment to info@bankolewilliams.com and/or Call Oge on 08024404444

The Timer is ticking once it elapse you miss this amazing DISCOUNT

Then Make a Bank Transfers Of ₦22,500 ($50) to 

Bankole Williams GTBank 0004360914. 

Then email info@bankolewilliams.com with payment proof


You’re getting a money back warranty from this class if anytime between Day 1 and day 2, you find the training not to be beneficial for whatever reason, just call Oge @ 08024404444.


 Think about this for a moment. 

Imagine it is a year from today.

How well will you be doing? 

Will you still be frustrated or hopping from one job to another? 

Will you be retrenched?

 Remember if you continue doing this same thing, you’ll get the same results.

 A year will come by very fast. The choice is yours. 

Now that you can pick the brain of 10 experts for almost nothing… Don’t miss this.


See you at the CAREER GPS BootCamp!



Bankole Williams


P.S: The timer is still ticking, once it has elapsed you will miss the Offer to attend this training.  I have given you a money-back Guarantee, got leading experts to train you… It’s your choice now… Want to give excuses? or make more in your career

 I won’t force you, but I trust you’re wise to make a good decision.