

2017 Trainings
Date Company Name of training Location
3-Jan Tecno Mobile Team Bonding Lagos
3-Feb IHS Towers 7 Star Performance Lagos
11-Apr HSDF WOW Service Experience Lagos
3-May IRI Commuincation & Presentation Training Abuja
10-May HSDF WOW Service Experience (Train the Trainer) Lagos
11-May HSDF WOW Service Experience (Train the Trainer) Lagos
13-May Union Bank WOW Service Experience Akure
14-May Union Bank WOW Service Experience Akure
7-Jun MainOne WOW Service Experinece Lagos
8-Jun MainOne WOW Service Experinece Lagos
23-Jun Open Calendar Creating Your Dream Life Lagos
28-Jun Terragon Team Bonding and Leadership Training Lagos
29-Jun Terragon Team Bonding and Leadership Training Lagos
23-Jul Union Bank WOW Service Experinence Ibadan
24-Jul Union Bank WOW Service Experinence Ibadan
31-Jul Union Bank Personal Effectiveness Lagos
4-Aug Union Bank WOW service Experinece Nnewi & Awka
5-Aug Union Bank WOW service Experinece Nnewi & Awka
12-Aug Union Bank WOW Service Experience Asaba
13-Aug Union Bank WOW Service Experience Asaba
19-Aug Union Bank WOW Service Experience Asaba
20-Aug Union Bank WOW Service Experience Asaba
24-Aug Diamond Bank Business Seminar Portharcout
30-Aug Venture Garden Group 7 Star Leader Training Lagos
31-Aug Venture Garden Group 7 Star Leader Training Lagos
7-Sep Venture Garden Group 7 Star Leader Training Lagos
12-Sep Union Bank Personal Effectiveness Lagos
13-Sep Union Bank Personal Effectiveness Lagos
14-Sep Union Bank Personal Effectiveness Lagos
15-Sep Union Bank Personal Effectiveness Lagos
14-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Lagos
15-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Lagos
18-Oct MTN Training Personal Effectiveness and Comunication Lagos
19-Oct MTN Training Personal Effectiveness and Comunication Lagos
20-Oct GT Bank Training Emotional Intelligence Lagos
21-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
22-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
28-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
29-Oct Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
4-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
5-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
11-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
11-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
11-Dec Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
11-Dec Union Bank Wow Service Experience Lagos
18-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
19-Nov Union Bank Wow Service Experience Delta
28-Nov First Bank Business Communication (Presentation) Lagos
29-Nov First Bank Business Communication (Presentation) Lagos
