Is Jesus the Answer? . . or . . Is He the Question (er)?
The problem is that we answer other people’s questions and because the answers were generated by us, these people do not take ownership and do not execute.
You see ‘why you do what you do is more important than what you do’. The issue wasn’t really standing. The issue was at the time, I did not seek to find a compelling ‘why’
When you seek a mentor, you are likely to be a DISTRACTION if giving you ATTENTION side-tracks the mentor from his/her goals. You are an ATTRACTION if giving you ATTENTION takes them to their goals.
Trip Don’t Fall
Shut down, revert to your prayer room and address the issue; QUICKLY! Otherwise you may lose your balance and land face flat to the ground.
I am Angry
The problem is never the lack of money but the lack of insight; to see the ABUNDANCE in what you have become overly FAMILIAR with.
Visibility is as Important as Ability
You are required to work but it is also your job to create the right perception of your work by being visible.
God Has a Sense of Humour
He is indeed a master chess player; a master puppeteer, pulling strings today for our benefit tomorrow. He may tell you to make a turn today that makes no sense but it would lead you to a destination 2 years from now that makes too much sense.
There Is A Lady In Gents – Help!
Last Saturday I had to facilitate a training at a bank. Somewhere in the middle of the class, nature was dialing my number. Fortunately, a staff of mine was around to continue the class. Lol. Interestingly, I recall a time I was teaching alone & I heard nature’s ringtone & this particular caller was persistent. […]
I Shaved
5 years ago and look at how handsome I still looked. 😊😋 This throwback reminds me of a true story a friend of mine called Sola told me a few months back. Apparently, Sola bought a new phone and narrated what ensued at the office after the purchase of this phone. Everybody gathered round to pay […]
How Not To Miss Your Target
God does not ONLY listen & respond to what you PRAY, he also listens & responds to what you SAY. Some people preoccupy themselves with unconscious careless ‘idle talk’ which sabotage their blessings. They AIM with their prayers and SHIFT the target with their words. You can’t ask God for a blessing and then speak […]